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The Brady Family...





















We started this process in July 2013 after learning that children age out of Ukranian orphanages at age 16 and that the girls are prime targets for human traffikers. We finally got to meet both Tanya's in April 2014 and brought Tanya 1 home in July 2014. 

 Since coming home with Tanya 1 in July, we have been busy updating our dossier in preparation to adopt Tanya 2 or Ashley as we now call her.  After a what seemed like forever, we finally have our appointment in Kiev Ukraine on January 21st!  We are beyond blessed and excited!!  


We invite you to join us on this amazing adoption journey part 2 in bringing Ashley finally home!











Update: 5-1-15

ASHLEY IS HOME!!  Thank you all who helped support this family :)




A beautiful note from Theresa Brady 2-7-15


We would like to say thank you to everyone who has donated, contributed and participated in Fund Raising for all the children being adopted within our church family. It's so wonderful to see the body of Christ coming together to meet the needs. A friend encouraged me today to ask for the harvest of the seeds we've (Pat & Theresa) sown over the years. While we can do all we can do in our own abilities (for those of you who don't know, I've been working full time since last March) God desires we rely on Him. This morning I read this and thought I would share:

Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. (Isa. 65:24) In one of his great Gospel campaigns in Chicago, Moody asked his helpers to join him in prayer for $6,000 and to ask that it might be sent at once. They prayed long and earnestly, and before they rose from their knees a telegram was brought in. It was in some such words as these: Your friends at Northfield had a feeling that you needed money for your work in Chicago. We have taken up a collection and there are $6,000 in the baskets. “God had prepared the people” (2 Chron. 29:36).
~Cowman, L. B. Springs in the Valley

While we've done all that we can to prepare for Ashley's (her new name) adoption, we haven't done a good job of asking you to join hands with us whether in prayer, finances, encouragement and support. I'm asking now. We. Need. You. The MOST important thing on the face of this planet is P.E.O.P.L.E. God has asked us to bring her home and we said "yes". He said the road would be filled with twist, turns, pot holes the size of craters but He will make the path straight. She's almost home. We trust Him. We invite you to join us in making a difference in the life of Ashley. 




Here was an update from

January 24, 2015....


 We arrived in Kotovsk about 4:30 Saturday morning, train ride was fine. First stop was the local government notary who drafted our petition to take to the orphanage with our referral from the SDA to adopt Ashely. That went great, the notary was very helpful. Next we bought bread, meat and cheese for the trip to the town where the SDA office is and then to the village (and I mean village) where the orphanage is located. The roads were really bad, imagine someone attacked them with mortars and blew big holes into the road, it was like driving left, right, slow, slower, stop ...


The lady from the SDA was very nice and helpful, she rode with us to the orphanage which is outside a very small village. Kind like a large compound (much nicer than the Kotovsk orphanage) and far enough outside the village that the kids are pretty much stuck there, which I think is good.


Ashley about came uncorked when she saw us, she's been waiting so long (I told her she'd be in America by October 2014, last saw her in June). We are going to be able to spend Saturday and Sunday with her and then the driver is going to take us from the orphanage to the airport in Kiev (about 7 hours) for our 6AM flight home.


This morning at breakfast the owner of the hotel / restaurant where we've stayed each trip in Kotovsk was also the cook and waitress. She speaks pretty good English and remembered our previous trips and was very curious to know how Tanya was doing. We showed her a ton of pictures, I thought she was going to cry at the peace and joy she saw, the huge change of countenance Tanya showed in the pictures. She made a comment that truly blessed us - she said she couldn't imagine adopting teen age children and said that if you have a headache you take a pill, but if a child has a broken heart you (Theresa and me) are the medicine. She asked how -- easy one word answer -- Jesus.


Blessings to you all from Ukraine.






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